Psyche Soma ... Our Raison d’Être
To provide you with options for self-care that consider you as one, whole being in mind, body & spirit.
To make your ritual of self-care and wellness maintenance as simple and accessible as possible.
To remind you that self-care is everyone care!
By caring for yourself, you create a ripple effect of goodness and wellness all around you - farther than you can imagine.
Head over to our "Giving Back" page to see just one of the ways this is true.
Enjoy a wellness care package, which approaches your health from your head to your toes and your toes to your head!

With several entry points provided in your wellness box, you can begin your self-care experience with a somatic (physical) experience, with a psyche (mental) experience, or a spiritual one.

Rest assured, that whichever door you walk through first, you are still benefiting the other aspects of your capital “S” Self. The entirety of you appreciates the attention you are giving it, so begin with which ever aspect of your box delights you the most!

Just be sure you circle around to the other tools as well so you get the full mind + body + spirit experience.
You deserve it (and so do those around you who
will thank you for taking care of you)!