Self-care is not a luxury, that much we have established. But the cost of taking care of ourselves and maintaining a wellness ritual is real.
That’s why we feel compelled to give $10 of every purchase to A New Way of Life, an organization that helps
women get the support they need to get back on their feet after being released from prison.
A New Way of Life “promotes healing, power and opportunity for formerly incarcerated women”, thereby reducing recidivism by a huge percentage
(“on average 8 out of 10 women in our homes meet annual benchmarks identified as crucial to making a successful community reentry”). The fact is, sometimes self-care means finding shelter when you are not safe and it feels like there’s no place to go.
With every box you order, help a woman rebuild her life, be reunited with her family, get the representation she deserves, and rediscover her self-worth.
Let’s start a self-care revolution. We really can care for the world by caring for ourselves. I know it.
And to up the stakes just a little bit more, for every 50 boxes purchased, we will send 1 self-care package to a deserving woman in this world,
someone making a difference who needs to feel cared for and be pampered.
Whoever she is, she deserves it. Taking suggestions here: mailto: care@psyche-soma.com
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